February 3, 2023
A very quick update on my situation with receiving the Spinal Cord Stimulator. Sometime in the year 2022, it was decided that the pain levels in my lower back, right leg, and both feet were never going to improve on their own. I was seeing Brian at Choice Physical for building up my body after Covid . We both decided that PT no longer was helping. So I stopped going. Then it was trying to find someone that could help me. The pain management Dr. I was seeing for years kind of dropped off the face of the earth. No one was saying anything except he wasn't coming back. Well, Fantastic! With all those things I have been through, never did I think I would have to get this dramatic with my pain levels which were crippling me. My physical and mental health had just jumped into a rabbit hole of Drs. appts, PT, injections, and yadda yadda! My life sucked! My pain levels were rising rapidly and we had to start all over finding anyone to help. We finally reached the bottom of that hole with new Drs. to start all over again. Pain pills were a band aid. The pain was always there. Then we found a Dr that suggested the Spinal Cord Stimulator. For about half a year I had to go through all the "am I a candidate" and yes I was! We were almost in the operating area when I contracted a UTI. Then another one and I believe one more. Waiting was all about waiting! I could go on here but I won't because I am tired of talking about it. The simulator is now in my spine and I hope to see an improvement with time. I will keep you all updated as soon as I know anything.
Thanks for listening!
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